BlackSwan Data

A new in-flight POS experience based on retail and behavioural data analysis.

An intuitive and reliable POS system – designed collaboratively with the crew community -allowing frictionless sales and payments, promotions automation, and merchandising opportunities.

Project statement

Enabling full integration with Pre-Order services and Customer facing e-commerce platforms.

Boasting improved data share back and synchronisation, whilst broadening our ability to be increasingly hardware agnostic.

Advancing automation of flight/shift set up, supporting multiple Menus, price plans and assortments per Crew duty.

Empowering crew through enhanced service recovery tools as well as performance and development opportunities.

The problem

Handling customer’s orders during flight can be an issue as the limited crew and space can be a hindrance in managing all orders effectively and lead to an increase of waiting times and frustration for the passengers.

This platform would be a simple and effective solution using latest wifi technology and retail and behavioural data analysis to create a POS experience in cabin to cater food and other items to passengerds during their flight.

Value streams

This platform offered many areas of improvement for business and user experience overall, these are some of the main ones we’ve identified.



Original retail device for passenger & crew, ground and air server.

  • Passenger adoption engagement
  • Increase spend by % increase transaction


Data driven retailing to drive incremental revenue inflight.

  • Sales conversion & $/PAX
  • Increase spend by % increase transaction


Quick and safe payments in the hands of the passenger.

  • Sales conversion
  • Decline rates reduction
  • Reduced costs by


Expanded product range and additional revenue streams.

  • New revenue & $/PAX
  • % Increase transaction


Automation of airline process using the retailing framework.

  • Time saving
  • Reduce costs

How does it work?

An on-board server will syncronise all the data, information and transactions with the crew and passenger devices creating a local wireless network.

Each flight has up to two servers to ensure full connectivity and 0% downtime during the whole duration of the flight, we tested this in real flights with EasyJet with success during the research, design and development phase.

Crew is in control.

Thanks to real time connectivity and data analysis, the crew members have absolute control over what’s being displayed and promoted in the app with real time statistics and access to a control panel that can make changes on the fly for things related to restrictions, shop status, offers, etc…

Post-flight analytics and behavioural data dashboard.

Once a flight is over, the server in-flight information would be syncronised with the airline’s database and all purchase, navigation and interaction information would be analysed and displayed in a dashboard using effective and clear infographics heping business’ decision makers to make any adaptations for the next flight/day.

A responsive experience.

We wanted passengers to have the best experience regardless of what device they are using or even which operative system they run in.

All layouts and pages were optimised for the best visualisation and user experience, serving users the best interface their screens can accommodate.

We used a 5 breakpoint system to achieve the best results even in the rarest of screen sizes and resolutions.

Prototyping and testing.

For this project we focused on prototyping ideas internally early during conceptualisation phase, but we also carried out tests with real users when required a more data informed decision.

We used Figma and Principle as main prototyping tools, Figma for more userflow basic prototypes and Principle when we required extra finesse in creating delightful micro-interactions or testing out patterns that were more gesture based.

Here are some exmples of them.

Userflow 1 – Creating a deal

One of the most well received features by users was the ability to make deals themselves.

We tested this userflow in EasyJet flights with real users in real flights allowing them to see how they could build their own deals.

This also helped us to test different variations of our checkout flows and detecting pain points and effectively finding solutions for future iterations.

Userflow 2 – Checkout and deliver to seat

During checkout, users could easily add their seat in order to crew to find them and deliver their goods.

We tested and iterated the checkout flows extensively as it was essential to make it as easy and user friendly as possible in order to increase sales and reduce abandonment of carts.

Userflow 3 – Checkout with train tickets

This platform was not only meant to help users acquire items during flight but also prepare for landing by alowing them to book train tickets, concert tickets, hotel rooms, etc

This flow represents a user booking train tickets prior to landing from their seat during flight.

Interactions and micro-interactions

When designing, it’s important to keep in mind different aspects of the user experience of the product.

This can include details of how the interaction with the product could work but also small visual details and cues that delight users or invite to an intuitive use of it.

From big to small changes and tests, I worked on many ideas that I like to iterate and test early so we can get a feeling of its feasibility.

Main navigation menu

As one example of some of the interaction tests we performed, is the main menu navigation panel.

We wanted to keep things simple and familiar to the user but also add some extra details that will make it pleasant to use.

We tested different styles and methods of closing the menu for example that can be seen below.

Close button next to thumb

Swipe to close gesture

Simple close interaction

Simple close interaction (Alternate)

Product detail page

Another aspect that I tested was how the main CTA of the product detail view would behave and show depending on users’ actions.

Some of the ideas I tested were playing with the positioning of the button when scrolling through content.

Persistent CTA

Scrollable CTA

Desktop navigation and search

Having a responsive application requires adapt solutions to different sizes and interaction methods, as an example, here’s a small demo of how the navigation and search would work on desktop.

Main takeaway

The one thing that I enoyed the most of this project was the ability to work with a platfrom that used real data analysis to make decisions and improve the user experience based on our designs.

It showed me the importance not only from acquiring valuable data but also find a way to make the best use for it in a user-centered philosphy.

Also being able to perform tests with real users during flight was a real game changer for us and allowed us to learn valuable lessons of how our designs were being used by both, customers and crew.
